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Structured Finance for International Projects

Structured Finance for International Projects
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​ We provide this product in the form of medium- to long-term loans to support companies’ ability to carry out international projects that incorporate local goods or services, considering the involvement of Saudi companies in the implementation of significant international projects in various fields.

Product Method

1. The exporter shall provide SaudiEXIM with the project documents, the financing request, and/or a Letter of Intent.
2. SaudiEXIM shall evaluate the project, and a Letter of Intent will be submitted.
3. After awarding the project to the local exporter, SaudiEXIM shall disburse it to the exporter.
4. The exporter shall implement the project and pay SaudiEXIM according to the agreed financing terms.

Product Advantages

- Improving competitiveness in international markets
- Expanding the customer base in new and existing markets.

The Sectors Eligible to Benefit from The Product

All sectors are eligible to benefit from the product

Facility Term

Medium and long-term.

Financing Limit for Coverage

Up to 80% of the contract value (to be determined after study).

Companies registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia