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International Buyer’s Credit

International Buyer’s Credit
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​ Given that Saudi products and services compete with their foreign counterparts on the global market, we developed this product to give foreign importers short- and medium-term financing options when purchasing Saudi products and services. This product also makes it easier to collect debts without the need to conduct financial transactions.

Product Method

1. The exporter and international buyers shall identify an opportunity that includes local exports (purchases or projects).
2. After signing the agreement with an international buyer (importer), the buyer shall submit a financing request.
3. SaudiEXIM will study the financing request and the creditworthiness of the international buyer.
4. After the application is approved, the local exporter shall export the final product to the international buyer and submit the shipping documents to SaudiEXIM to get paid for what has been exported.
5. SaudiEXIM will collect the amount from the importer according to the signed agreement.

Product Advantages

- Improving the competitiveness of local exporters by providing credit facilities to their international customers.
- Improving the cash flow management of exporters and importers.
- Reducing the risk of non-payment.

The Sectors Eligible to Benefit from The Product

All sectors are eligible to benefit from the product.

Facility Term

Short, medium, or long term

Financing Limit for Coverage

Up to 90% of the transaction value (to be determined after study).


International buyers wish to import Saudi products and services.​
