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Export Credit Insurance Policy

Export Credit Insurance Policy
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​​We offer this product to provide insurance solutions that cover the exporter's portfolio of buyers through either comprehensive cover or a specific cover, which helps reduce default risks. This enables the local exporter and provides a layer of protection from the risks of non-payment by buyers or banks.

Policies are classified into two types:

Whole-turnover Policy: A “short-term" insurance policy that can be renewed annually for multiple buyers or banks.

 Single-Buyer Policy: A “short" or “long-term" insurance policy for single buyer or bank for specific transaction
Product Method

1. Multi-Buyer: The local exporter will provide information on their company and a list of potential buyers (importers) that they aim to include in the policy In addition to the expected volume of coverage needed. SaudiEXIM will review the request and submits an offer to the Saudi exporter that includes the approved coverage for each buyer.

2. Single-Buyer: Same procedure as a multi-buyer, but information shall be provided for only one buyer (importer)

Product Advantages

• Improving the competitiveness of exporters in international markets.
• Facilitating the export of companies by providing credit facilities to their customers abroad.
• Improving the cash flow management of exporters and importers.
• Reducing the risk of non-payment for exporters.
• Expanding the customer base for exporters in new and existing markets.

The Sectors Eligible to Benefit from The Product

All sectors are eligible to benefit from the product

Duration of Insurance Coverage

Short and long-term.

Financing Limit for Coverage

Up to 90% of the transaction value


Companies registered locally.