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Investors Insurance Products (Political / Sovereign)

Investors Insurance Products (Political / Sovereign)
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​This financial product provides protection to Saudi investors from the risk of sovereign or Sub-Sovereign entities by providing an investment insurance, the Saudi EXIM bank then assesses the risks of the project and the country and issues the insurance policy to the investor.​

Product Method

1- The investor submits an initial application for an investment insurance policy to Saudi EXIM and pays the applicable fees.
2-Saudi EXIM assesses the project and country risks.
3- An investment insurance policy is issued to the investor.
4- In case of losses, the investor files a claim to Saudi EXIM, which indemnify’ s the investor.

Product Advantages

- Protecting investors, banks, and financial institutions from losses resulting from non-commercial risks.
- Attracting additional capital to national projects abroad that generate exports or purchases from Saudi Arabia.
- Facilitating investors' access to credit facilities to implement international projects.
- Reducing financing costs for investors.
- Facilitating access to high-risk markets.

The Sectors Eligible to Benefit from The Product

All sectors except crude oil

Duration of Insurance Coverage

Not exceeding 15 years

Financing Limit for Coverage

Up to 90%


​Direct investor or banks and financial institutions financing the investor​